Military personnel and employees of military and law enforcement agencies of Turkmenistan received congratulations from the Head of State
27 January
Military personnel and employees of military and law enforcement agencies of Turkmenistan received congratulations from the Head of State

Today Turkmenistan celebrates the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. On this occasion, President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the military personnel and employees of military and law enforcement agencies with a welcoming message, which, in particular, reads:

“I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, celebrated in the first days of the year. This holiday symbolizes great trust, high respect and boundless care for military personnel and employees of military and law enforcement agencies who protect the sacred independence of their native Fatherland, its sovereignty, territorial integrity, constitutional order, the inviolability of the State Border, ensure the country's security, public peace, the implementation of national legislation and law and order.

As a result of large-scale reforms, unprecedented successes have been achieved in our native Motherland, aimed at further strengthening the foundations of statehood, building up the country's economic power, and improving the social and living standards of the population. In commemoration of this large-scale activity and in order to widely promote the world's constructive domestic and foreign policy of our country, educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and pride in our great era, 2022 has been declared the Year of the “Era of the people with Arkadag”. This slogan concentrates the boundless pride of our native people for a happy era, which has achieved high milestones in the socio-economic, cultural, humanitarian, scientific and educational spheres, efforts of universal significance.

The solemn military parade, held to mark the glorious 30th anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan, once again demonstrated the high level of defense capability and combat power of the National Army. You must always prioritize the duty of defending the Fatherland, strive to systematically master the experience of military science and military art accumulated in our country and in foreign countries, be awarded high honor and respect with your patriotism, loyalty to the military oath, military duty and conscientiousness.

The high duty of each of you is strict adherence to the goals and principles of the Military Doctrine, developed taking into account the peaceful foreign policy of our state and determining the military-political, military-economic and military-strategic foundations for ensuring the security and integrity of the borders of your native Fatherland, which is considered one of the safest countries peace.

Your main goal should always be the protection of the sacred independence of our Fatherland, the legal status of permanent neutrality, the constitutional order, the primordial national values, and the further strengthening of law and order in society. You must worthily continue the traditions of the school of courage and martial art of our wise ancestors, who left an incorruptible mark on history. Having perfectly mastered the skills of owning modern military equipment and equipment, they must make a significant contribution to the rapid success of our country, always following such high principles of our ancestors as justice, wisdom, restraint, courage, fearlessness, patriotism.

I am sure that you will be faithful to your high and responsible duties, such as protecting the independence of Turkmenistan, its legal status of permanent neutrality, twice recognized by the world community, national values, ensuring peace and harmony in society, and if necessary, you will not even regret your life for those sacred ideals!

The Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, created three months after gaining sacred independence, is 30 years old. Our National Army is regularly provided with advanced military weapons, military equipment, digital system capabilities, modern residential buildings are being built and put into operation.

The opening and commissioning in August 2021 of a new complex of buildings and facilities of the Naval Forces and the State Border Service of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan has become another symbol of the ever-growing concern for the defenders of the country. And in the year “The Age of the People with Arkadag”, the priority of state policy and ongoing military reforms will remain the further modernization of the material and technical base of the military and law enforcement agencies of the country, the creation of modern conditions for the service and recreation of the defenders of the Fatherland.”

At the end of his message, the President of Turkmenistan once again congratulated the military personnel and employees of military and law enforcement agencies on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and wished them good health, longevity, happiness, prosperity, great success in their sacred and responsible service!
