President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, together with the Government of Turkmenistan, is going on a month's leave from August 1. The State News Agency of Turkmenistan reported about this tonight.
As previously reported, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov announced at an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers following the results of six months of the year that members of the Government, with the exception of the leaders of the agricultural sector, will be able to relax during their holidays in Avaza, Archman, Yylysuva and other health resorts of the country. At the same time, the head of state specified that Deputy Prime Minister Annageldi Yazmyradov, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, and agricultural leaders will be able to go on vacation after the completion of the cotton harvest campaign.
At the same time, at the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on July 29, the head of Turkmenistan announced a number of important events to be held in the coming month.
In particular, on August 1, the opening ceremony of the next complex of cottages for vacationers is expected in the “Avaza” National Tourist Zone.
On August 3, “Avaza” will also host a ceremony of awarding valuable gifts to Turkmen athletes - winners of the “Silk Way-2022” rally-raid and the Asian Weightlifting Championship among youths (under 17 years old) and juniors (under 20 years old).
On August 5, the opening ceremony of a modern recreation center for children will be held in the Esenguly etrap of the Balkan velayat, in which Gulshat Mammedova, chairman of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh, will participate.
And on August 15-16, International Conference at the level of ministers of transport of developing countries that do not have access to the sea will be held at the “Avaza” NTZ together with the UN.
So, apparently, the leadership corps, as it has already happened, will combine leisure with active participation in the life of the country.