Representatives of Turkmenistan discussed in Baku a pilot project for the transportation of containerized cargo by rail
09 August
Representatives of Turkmenistan discussed in Baku a pilot project for the transportation of containerized cargo by rail

A meeting of railway operators of the International multimodal route of the Asia-Pacific region - China - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan - Azerbaijan - Georgia - Türkiye – Europe was held in Baku, Trend reports with reference to Azerbaijan Railways CJSC.

The Deputy Chairman of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC Iqbal Huseynov talked about the joint cooperation between the railway administrators of the participating countries in the direction of increasing the attractiveness of the route.

“It is necessary to combine the efforts to attract cargo to the route, accelerate the operational solution of emerging problems,” he said.

During the meeting, a pilot project on container transportation from the Chinese country of Kashgar to Europe by railway operators, representing the six countries was discussed. According to Huseynov, a trial version of the digital platform, which will ensure an increase in the efficiency of cargo transportation along the corridor and optimization of operations has already been prepared. Also, the implementation in test mode of the platform developed by UNISER will begin in the near future.

In addition, within the framework of the meeting, was held a discussion about the web page that will contain information about the route.

The forum participants stressed the necessity of creating a consortium with the participation of the parties to improve the efficiency of the route and decided to continue discussions in this direction.

The international multimodal route of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region - China - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan - Azerbaijan - Georgia - Türkiye - Europe was established in 2019 with the participation of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC and the state railway structures of the respective countries.
