Turkmen delegation takes part in KazanForum
18 May
Turkmen delegation takes part in KazanForum

The delegation of Turkmenistan headed by the Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Chakyev Mammethan Berdimyradovich is taking part in the XIV Kazan International Economic Forum "Russia - the Islamic World: Kazan Forum2023", which takes place in the capital of Tatarstan on May 18-19.

Within the framework of the event, the Russia Halal Expo exhibition and an exhibition of investment and infrastructure projects were organized at the Kazan Expo IEC, the Russia Halal Market fair was organized at the Kazan International Equestrian Sports Complex, as well as a culinary show from chefs from Islamic countries.

Within the framework of the forum, a number of meetings of the Turkmen delegation with officials of the Russian side were held. The products of Turkmenistan are also widely represented at the exhibition.
