The President of Turkmenistan launched the construction of Ashgabat City
25 May
The President of Turkmenistan launched the construction of Ashgabat City

On the Day of the city of Ashgabat and the celebration of its 140th anniversary, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the celebrations on the occasion of laying the foundation of a large residential complex "Ashgabat City" and the opening of a new complex of two-storey buildings erected in the northern part of the capital.

Day by day Ashgabat is getting prettier, and its magnificent architectural ensemble is replenished with new buildings and structures. The city infrastructure is being systematically modernized, which provides Ashgabat residents with conveniences and benefits in accordance with international standards. In recent years, entire districts have been reconstructed in the capital, new comfortable residential areas have appeared, and numerous social and other facilities have been built.

The President of Turkmenistan keeps all stages of their implementation under unrelenting personal control. At the same time, the head of state lays special emphasis on the use of original solutions, advanced, including digital technologies and engineering and technical developments, which are actively used in Ashgabat, which is growing and expanding its borders.

And now the time has come for the implementation of a grandiose mega-project, the idea of ​​which belongs to the Turkmen leader. Everything new and progressive that is in the world architectural and urban planning thought will find its embodiment here. In order to ensure a high level of construction of "Ashgabat City", a corresponding Interdepartmental Commission was created and its composition was approved.

From early in the morning, the atmosphere of a great holiday reigns at the site of the solemn ceremony of laying the foundation of the mega-complex, which will be erected in the north of the city. The chairman of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh, deputy chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and sectoral departments, the capital's administration, public organizations, and the media gathered here.

Everyone welcomes President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with great enthusiasm.

On the occasion of the significant event, masters of arts prepared their creative gift.

Then the head of state goes to the place of the current ceremony, decorated in the form of a traditional "Türkmeniň ak öýi".

Addressing the audience and all compatriots, the President of Turkmenistan stressed that Ashgabat Day, which is the pride of every Turkmen citizen, is widely and solemnly celebrated today. This holiday, established in 2013 and acquiring new content every year, has taken an important place in the national calendar.

According to the good tradition in Turkmenistan, the opening of new buildings and facilities for various purposes, laying the foundation of modern new buildings are timed to each significant date.

And today, the head of state continued, we are laying the foundation for a complex of facilities and buildings that will be erected in the northern part of the capital. This large-scale complex with a total area of ​​744 hectares can be called a "city within a city", as it includes over two hundred objects for various purposes, which form an urban infrastructure with all the amenities for comfortable living and recreation.

Many objects will be built here, in particular, the buildings of the etrap khyakimlik, other institutions and the social sphere. Capital investments will be used to build four kindergartens for 1200 places, the same number of general education institutions for 3000 places, a House of Culture and a sports complex with a stadium for 5000 places.

In addition, it is planned to erect new buildings of the Turkmen National Conservatory and a specialized music school, a multidisciplinary hospital, two Health Houses and the same number of shopping and entertainment centers, shops, food outlets, a Celebration Center, four multi-level parking lots, as well as branches of the State Commercial Banks "Türkmenbaşy" and Halkbank, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

It is planned to build 180 luxury high-rise buildings on the territory of the complex, namely, 12-35-storey buildings of eight types, in which 17 thousand 836 apartments will be located, designed for more than 107 thousand inhabitants.

The main entrance of the residential complex will be represented by a circular bridge with a metal structure in the shape of a Turkmen yurt "ak öý", which will become a symbol of the hospitality of our people, their openness to friendship and brotherhood.

In addition, the head of state noted, it is planned to build a center for children's creativity, a park, transport infrastructure, utilities, engineering and communication systems, and build internal roads. Thus, in the coming years a whole modern city called "Ashgabat City" will appear here.

Our white marble capital should become not only one of the most beautiful and most comfortable cities for living, but also turn into an advanced metropolis. This should be reflected in its appearance and the optimal functioning of all social security systems. In the process of implementing these ideas, it is necessary to actively involve young specialists with innovative thinking, in particular, students of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction and the State Academy of Arts.

In our country, a modern education system has been formed, designed to ensure the progressive dynamics of the development of the sphere of urban planning. Therefore, using and increasing its capabilities, it is necessary to systematically support the creative initiatives of young architects, designers and engineers, the President emphasized.

Continuing the theme, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused the attention of the participants of the celebration on issues related to urban ecology, the introduction of optimal mechanisms for improving the environment, in particular, best world practices and tools in this area, as well as energy-saving technologies. Today they are relevant for the entire world community.

Ashgabat should become the most beautiful, clean and comfortable city in the world for living, for which we have all the opportunities and resources. Within the framework of the program of cardinal reforms, significant investments are allocated to create a modern socio-economic infrastructure designed to provide the most favorable conditions for life, recreation and creative work of our citizens, the head of state noted.

In the long term, the results of the urban development program being implemented in Ashgabat should fully correspond to its status as the capital of a prosperous, intensively developing and powerful state.

As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov further emphasized, a lot of preparatory work should be done before starting the construction of a new city. Scientists of the Academy of Sciences, having carried out a detailed analysis of the seismic situation, must establish the optimum number of storeys of buildings that can be built here, and the draftsmen must transfer construction sites to the map.

It is also necessary to create a specialized enterprise that will manage this large-scale work, and provide it with highly qualified specialists, design the buildings and facilities planned for construction, establish where the necessary building materials can be obtained from in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. In this context, it is necessary to determine the methods of delivery from abroad of those materials that are not produced in our country.

Speaking about this, the head of state also outlined a task for the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection - to determine the sources of water supply for the population, irrigation of green spaces and the functioning of the Ashgabat City fountains.

As the head of state noted, today we are laying the foundation for a large city, the construction of which will take more than one year, and therefore, in addition to the above, there are still many issues to be resolved. In a few years, here, where the majestic Kopet Dag and the endless expanses of the Karakum Desert meet, we will see a beautiful sparkling world-class city with all the amenities for living.

"Ashgabat City", the foundation of which we are laying in one of the most beautiful corners of the capital, embodies the intensive development and growing power of our state.

In conclusion, the President of Turkmenistan cordially congratulated everyone on the Day of Ashgabat celebrated at the state level and laying the foundation of a new city, wishing good health, family well-being and great success in work in the name of the prosperity of the Motherland and the people.

Then a specially prepared video presentation was presented to the attention of the head of state and the participants of the ceremony, allowing to get a clear idea of ​​the Ashgabat City project, its objects and the whole architectural ensemble, profile infrastructure.

According to the project, in addition to residential buildings of increased comfort, objects of administrative, social, cultural, sports and other purposes, trade and services, educational, preschool and medical institutions will be built here, modern roads, underground and ground crossings, multi-level parking lots will be built. The latest technologies and digital systems will be actively involved in the operation of buildings, the management structure of the city economy. At the same time, great importance is attached to the construction of "smart houses", arrangement of "smart stops" of public transport. Thus, in the coming years in this part of the capital, a new magnificent universal complex will be built, designed according to the principle of “city within a city”. All buildings and structures will differ in the original design of the facades, silhouettes, and proportional features. Their appearance will find an organic combination of the latest trends in world urban planning and the original traditions of national architecture.

As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes, the new residential complex should be in harmony with the style of the entire white marble Ashgabat, and its facilities should meet modern standards both in terms of design, quality of construction and aesthetics, and in terms of ecology and environmental preservation. Therefore, particular importance is attached to the creation of green and park areas, an organic combination of urban and natural landscapes.

Then representatives of the younger generation turn to the head of state. At the request of children, the President of Turkmenistan signs a memorable message to descendants on the occasion of today's significant event, which is placed in a special capsule.

To the thunderous applause of the audience, the Turkmen leader gives a symbolic start to construction, laying a capsule and the first shovels of concrete in the foundation of the new residential area. At this moment, a multi-colored "cloud" of balloons flies up into the sky.

Other participants in the ceremony followed the example of the head of state.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was photographed for memory with young Turkmen citizens and representatives of the older generation.

Having warmly said goodbye to the ceremony participants, the head of state on a new bus, together with his associates, proceeded to the place of the next celebration - the opening of 140 two-story houses built in the Choganly residential area of ​​the Bagtyyarlyk etrap of the capital.

On the way, the President of Turkmenistan drew attention to the progress of improvement and natural features of this part of the capital.

This morning, the new complex of residential buildings is also in a joyful mood. Those present heartily greet the head of the Turkmen state.

The culmination comes: to the applause of the ceremony participants, the Turkmen leader cuts the traditional ribbon - the new residential complex is open! Its commissioning has become a wonderful gift for the residents of the capital for a double holiday. And therefore, the number of houses in which happy families of townspeople celebrate housewarming today is very symbolic.

The head of state enters the territory of the complex. The colorful music and dance performances of creative teams and masters of arts unfolding along the streets create an atmosphere of a real Turkmen toy with its inherent scope and hospitality, reproduce national traditions and customs.

On the way, the Turkmen leader inspected solid buildings, erected and equipped in accordance with the requirements of the time.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited one of the houses, where he was warmly welcomed by the family who settled here. The head of state congratulated the hospitable hosts on the new home, asking their opinion on the new housing, the layout of the premises and the amenities created.

As the head of the family said, he is a doctor, his wife also works in the domestic health care system. The new settlers expressed their gratitude to the President for the utmost concern for the people.

It should be noted that within the walls of houses erected on the territory of the Choganly massif there are spacious bright rooms, comfortable, properly equipped kitchens, and other premises. Each cottage has a plot of land. The related infrastructure has also been thought out, roads and engineering systems have been laid. The adjacent territories are landscaped and landscaped. In a word, all conditions for a comfortable stay are provided.

Ensuring decent living conditions for people in all respects is the primary task of the state policy of Turkmenistan, the President emphasized, noting that measures will continue to be taken to improve the social and living conditions of the country's citizens.

Once again congratulating the hosts on the new home, the Turkmen leader presented them with gifts, wishing them family well-being, health and success. In response, the new settlers presented the President of the country with the traditional Turkmen holiday gift "duvunchek".

Then the head of Turkmenistan continued inspecting new buildings. On this day, music and songs sounded everywhere here, in which the richness of the cultural traditions of the Turkmen people and modern national art found a creative embodiment.

At the end of the ceremony, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov warmly said goodbye to the participants and left the scene.

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