The President of Turkmenistan held a meeting of the Government
02 July
The President of Turkmenistan held a meeting of the Government

Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on July 1 held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via a digital system, at which priority aspects of state policy and drafts of a number of documents were considered, reports the State News Agency of Turkmenistan.

The information of the Chairman of the Mejlis Milli Gengesh G. Mammedova on the results of the working trip of the Milli Gengesh delegation to the city of Baku of the Republic of Azerbaijan to participate in the conference of the Parliamentary Network of the Non-Aligned Movement - “Increasing the role of national parliaments in promoting peace and sustainable development in the world” was heard during the meeting.

In turn, the Deputy Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Milli Gengesha K. Babayev informed about the ongoing comprehensive work to improve the country's legal framework.

Then the Deputy Prime Ministers delivered their reports.

The esteemed President approved the proposal to establish a coordinating Interdepartmental Commission consisting of the heads of relevant ministries and sectorial departments, and law enforcement agencies in order to counter the legalization of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Also, a proposal was approved for the construction of a new building of the State Testing Laboratory of the Main State Service “Türkmenstandartlary” of the Mary velayat and equipping it with the necessary equipment.

During the meeting, information was given about the discovery of drinking water deposits with a total area of 130,8 square kilometers at the Turkmenabat site, located on the banks of the Boyrabap and Berzen drainage systems, registered as the “Türkmenabat” underground deposit. The volume of reserves of this deposit will permit uninterrupted supply of clean drinking water to the local population.

The head of state signed the Decree “On the purchase of equipment and spare parts for the Turkmenbashi oil processing complex”. In accordance with the document, it is envisaged to conclude contracts with the relevant companies for the purchase of the necessary installations and spare parts, which will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the TOPC and the Seydi oil refinery.

It was reported that at present time, construction of new cement plants, and a plant for the production of ceramic decorative plates and sanitary ware products, is already underway in various parts of the country. The head of state approved the proposal prepared following the results of an international tender for the construction of workshops in the country's velayats.

The Esteemed President signed the Decree on the construction of a multi-purpose solar and wind power plant in the Serdar etrap of the Balkan velayat and the laying of a high-voltage power line.

The Action Plan for the creation of the Turkmen-Uzbek border trade zone was submitted to the President of Turkmenistan for consideration. As noted, cross-border trade will be established taking into account modern international and regional wholesale and retail trade practices.

Approving the presented Plan, the head of state highlighted the importance of the steps taken to expand bilateral cooperation, bring it to new areas where there are large reserves, including effective support for entrepreneurship.

In continuation of the meeting, it was reported on the state of affairs in the construction of a shopping center in the Choganly residential area of Ashgabat. It was reported that the improvement of the adjacent territory of this object is at the final stage.

Noting the expediency of naming the shopping center “Güneşli”, the head of Turkmenistan stressed that the original corporate identity of the new facility should attract potential buyers.

Having listened to the report on the measures, taken to develop the tourism sector and in order to unlock the country's tourism potential, the Esteemed President pointed out the need to intensify the mutually beneficial relations of our country with foreign countries, exchange experience between scientists and specialists in this direction, take into account the latest achievements in health and wellness recreational area.

The esteemed President also approved the proposal to create an organizing committee for holding the World SAMBO Championships in Turkmenistan in 2025.

In this regard, it was instructed to carry out work on the formation and preparation for the international tournament of the national sambo team of the country, which should include only the best, promising domestic athletes.

The Vice Prime Minister, Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on the preparation of proposals regarding the work and the adoption of systemic steps in order to put into practice the agreements reached following the Ashgabat Summit and the initiatives of the heads of the Caspian states. Then these proposals are supposed to be sent for consideration to the coastal countries through diplomatic channels.

Expressing confidence that the outcomes of the Ashgabat Summit would be a worthy contribution to the successful promotion of multi-vector cooperation in the Caspian Sea and would contribute to bringing it to a qualitatively new level, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approved the voiced proposals, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister, head of the Foreign Ministry to continue relevant work in this direction.

The esteemed President signed the Decree “On the construction of the International Air Terminal Complex in the village of Jebel, Balkan velayat”, emphasizing that the new complex will be of great importance in strengthening the material and technical base of domestic civil aviation and is called upon to play an important role in increasing passenger volumes. - and cargo flows in air transport, the further economic development of the country, the provision of services to the people that meet the requirements of the time.

A proposal to conclude an investment agreement between the ES “Türkmendomen” and the relevant company was submitted for consideration by the head of state. It was noted that the joint work will create the necessary material and technical base of the “Türkmendomen” Economic Society, favorable conditions for the independent management of the national top-level domain.

The esteemed President, speaking about the importance of the ongoing work to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign partners in matters of the national domain “.tm”, emphasized that Turkmenistan, which relies on innovative development, is deeply interested in attracting the best world experience and advanced technologies available to foreign companies. In this regard, it was instructed to once again carefully study this issue and submit relevant proposals for consideration.

At the meeting of the Government, a number of other issues were also considered, important documents aimed at the development of industries were adopted.
