“Green Corridors” for freight trucks launched Turkmenistan 
12 January
“Green Corridors” for freight trucks launched Turkmenistan 

In 2022, TIR-EPD system was launched and integrated with the Transit Module of the customs information system ASYCUDA World in Turkmenistan, the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan announced on January 11, 2023.

As a result of the introduction of Green Corridors at customs offices, the passage through the customs border and customs clearance of vehicles performing international transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets are carried out on a priority basis.

Integration of TIR-EPD with the customs information system ASYCUDA World and the introduction of Green Corridors, by facilitating the movement across the customs border of vehicles performing international transport of goods, increase the attractiveness of the country's international transport corridors and its importance in the regional and international logistics chain in cargo transportation, and this, as a result, contributes to the development of international trade.
