Heads of the Extraordinary Commission of Turkmenistan to Combat the Spread of Diseases reported accomplished work
27 June
Heads of the Extraordinary Commission of Turkmenistan to Combat the Spread of Diseases reported accomplished work

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the heads of the Extraordinary Commission of Turkmenistan to combat the spread of diseases. It discussed issues of ensuring the safety of citizens of the country, and identified priority tasks to counter the COVID-19 pandemic.

Having announced the agenda of the meeting, the leader of the nation noted that the number of people who are sick with new strains of coronavirus infection is currently growing in the world. Then the head of state heard the reports of the Minister of Health and Medical Industry, Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission for Combating the Spread of Diseases N. Amannepesov and Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Deputy Chairman of this Commission O. Khojanyyazov on the current state of affairs in the country and the concrete work carried out in this direction.

The first leader of the nation gave the floor to the Minister of Health and Medical Industry, Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission for Combating the Spread of Diseases N. Amannepesov, who reported on the practical steps taken in order to fulfill the instructions given by the President of Turkmenistan at the meeting of the Commission held on May 14 this year in the National Tourist Zone " Avaza ".

So, in accordance with the requirements, the activities of the Control Center and its branches have been adjusted. Meetings were systematically held on organizing recreation at the Avaza NTZ, monitoring of the ongoing work in this corner of the Balkan velayat was carried out.

Reporting on the measures implemented by the Control Center to promptly resolve emerging issues at facilities located in Avaza, the minister reported that medical examination of the population is being carried out in special points created in 18 Health Houses across the country. Citizens wishing to spend their holidays in the Avaza National Tourist Zone, after providing vouchers from the hotels in which they will stay, receive a referral for vaccination against COVID-19, after which they are registered with the State Migration Service.

In NTZ "Avaza" explanatory work is constantly carried out among the population about the procedure for recreation.

After listening to the report, the leader of the nation ordered, in accordance with the approved new composition of the Commission, to establish the activities of the Center for the Management of Recreation Organization in the Avaza National Tourist Zone. The work carried out by this structure should be kept under constant control, especially in informing the population about the conditions for recreation and their implementation, the head of Turkmenistan emphasized.

Then the President of the country gave the floor to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Deputy Chairman of the Commission O. Khojanyyazov, who reported on the work carried out by the Management Center to organize recreation of citizens in the Avaza National Tourist Zone.

There was also a report on the work carried out by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, the State Migration Service at a specially created control point at the entrance to the Avaza NTZ, as well as the well-established transport links for citizens who come to rest.

Currently, special divisions of internal affairs have been created in order to maintain public order in the tourist zone, comply with road safety rules, and a fire safety regime.

Along with this, practical steps are being taken to create favorable conditions for vacationers, to maintain public order.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of establishing appropriate work on supervision by employees of local departments of the internal affairs bodies at the entrances and throughout the NTZ, as well as on the coast, giving a number of specific instructions in this regard.

Continuing the working meeting, the Minister of Health and Medical Industry, Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission N. Amannepesov presented to the leader of the nation a draft Resolution on the purchase of a more effective vaccine.

Having approved this proposal and signed the corresponding Resolution, the head of Turkmenistan noted that the state would continue to take all necessary measures to protect the health of the people.

We are guided by the principle "The health of the nation is the wealth of the country," President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, stressing that we should responsibly and comprehensively approach the solution of the tasks in this direction, replenish reserves, create an insurance fund of 1.5 million new, most effective doses of vaccines. In this regard, a number of specific orders were given.

Continuing the workshop, the leader of the nation noted that in order to prevent the importation of a new coronavirus infection, which has spread widely in the world, the necessary work is being carried out in our country to prevent this disease and protect the health of citizens. Stressing that as a result of timely practical steps taken to date, no cases of this infectious disease have been identified, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of strengthening the material and technical base of healthcare institutions, as well as implementing additional measures to counter the new coronavirus infection.

In order to prevent various infectious diseases and protect the health of citizens, a Control Center was created here, the head of state said, stating that in order to strengthen the work of the Center, it was decided to replace its leaders by signing a document approving the composition of the Emergency Commission to Combat the Spread of Diseases.

Then, addressing the Minister of Health and Medical Industry, Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission N. Amannepesov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the need to take preventive measures in accordance with the established norms during the holiday season, taking into account the dry climate of Turkmenistan. At the same time, an important requirement is the observance of social distance, the use of respiratory masks and personal hygiene rules, the head of state emphasized.

The leader of the nation ordered to conduct daily bacteriological analysis of sea water and air, to keep the epidemiological condition in Avaza under strict control.

Addressing the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Deputy Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission O. Khojanyyazov, the President of the country instructed to keep in the center of constant attention issues of ensuring fire safety on the territory of the Avaza NTZ, control of access to the zone for persons who received official permission in the prescribed manner, on the basis of documents , confirming their identity, ensuring the parking of service vehicles in special parking lots, as well as issuing a permit to enter the recreation area exclusively for special vehicles.

Focusing on the importance of the tasks facing the relevant services, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the participants of the workshop success in performing the work at the proper level.
