President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed to participants of "Turkmentel-2021" with a welcome address
10 November
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed to participants of "Turkmentel-2021" with a welcome address

Dear employees of the communications industry!

Dear guests!

I sincerely congratulate you on the start of the XIV International online conference dedicated to the field of telecommunications, telemetry, information technology and television and radio broadcasting equipment "Turkmentel-2021"! This international forum is of great importance for the active implementation of advanced technologies and innovative developments, strengthening international cooperation in the field of telecommunications, and most importantly, for the comprehensive development of our sovereign Motherland.

I wish you during the industry international online conference to find effective answers to many of the most important questions related to connecting to the international communication system, identifying new areas of mutually beneficial cooperation based on friendship and constructive partnership!

Relying on the world practice of high technologies and innovations, we modernize the national economy and achieve great success in the social development of our independent Fatherland. Bringing the structure of digital technologies, material, technical and legal base in line with the requirements of the time, we carry out deep scientific and technical reforms and implement large projects in this area.

Currently, work is being successfully carried out in the domestic telecommunications infrastructure to introduce innovations, digital technologies and information and communication equipment that meet international standards, to achieve a qualitatively new level of modern competitive services. In this context, much attention is paid to the issue of training highly qualified specialists. Significant investments are being made in the creation and modernization of enterprises and communications institutions.

Dear participants of the International Online Conference!

Dear guests!

The XIV International online conference dedicated to the field of telecommunications, telemetry, information technology and television and radio broadcasting equipment "Turkmentel-2021" is of great importance in the cultural and economic rapprochement of peoples, in solving the most important issues of sustainable development of states, in improving the communication system that provides an innovative way of development, in the implementation of large world-class projects, in the implementation of national programs. The importance of the forum is confirmed by the participation in its work of representatives of foreign companies, organizations and businessmen interested in the development of fruitful cooperation in the field of telecommunications.

Laying fiber-optic backbone communication systems of international importance through its territory, Turkmenistan plays the role of a transport and communication center of the Great Silk Road. These projects, being the most important branches of transit systems not only in the Central Asia region, but also in the East-West, North-South directions, contribute to the development of the economies of neighboring states.

Committed to expanding fruitful ties, our independent Motherland is successfully joining the number of countries achieving high performance in all areas, which attracts the attention of the world community. Effectively implementing the policy of "open doors", Turkmenistan, together with partner states, actively participates in the revival in the new conditions of the Great Silk Road, which in ancient times united the cultures of the East and West.

I am sure that during the online conference you will find solutions to many issues related to the further development of traditionally friendly, respectful and mutually beneficial relations for all parties.

Dear communications workers!

Dear guests!

Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on the start of the XIV International online conference dedicated to the field of telecommunications, telemetry, information technology and television and radio broadcasting equipment "Turkmentel-2021"!

I am sure that this forum will play an important role in the exchange of experience between domestic and foreign experts, further expansion of ties, discussion of mutually beneficial projects, new technologies, scientific discoveries.

I wish you strong health, prosperity and great success in your work!

President of Turkmenistan

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

"Turkmenistan: Golden Age" resource reports.
