The President of Turkmenistan and the Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan discussed the prospects for further cooperation
10 May
The President of Turkmenistan and the Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan discussed the prospects for further cooperation

The esteemed President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mikayil Chingiz oglu Jabbarov on May 10, who arrived in Ashgabat on a working visit.

The main discussed topic of the interview was cooperation in the fields of transport and energy. The need to intensify the established fruitful ties in the trade and economic sphere and in the field of telecommunications was also emphasized.

The interlocutors noted the importance of using the favorable geographical position of the two neighboring states, which creates favorable prerequisites for the effective addition of efforts in the implementation of projects to form transcontinental transit and transport corridors that provide optimally advantageous land sea routes for the transportation of goods, and the transportation into the international transport infrastructure.

Speaking about the prospects for the development of the transport and communication network in Central Asia and its effective integration into the international transport infrastructure, esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the need to take joint measures in order to make wider use of the potential of both states for the successful implementation of projects to form new transport corridors, which will strengthen interregional and bilateral relations.

Particular emphasis was also placed on the importance of building up cooperation in the energy sector, which is strategic for the national economies of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. Stressing that the development of this sector is a priority for both states, which have the largest oil and gas deposits, the interlocutors spoke in favor of expanding traditional cooperation based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit.

The interlocutors paid special attention to the need to further ensure all economic, financial and legal conditions for representatives of the business sphere of states. In this regard, the importance of holding bilateral forums, which will contribute to the development of relations between entrepreneurs of the two countries, was emphasized.
