Berdimuhamedov awarded members of the Security Council with the jubilee medal "Defender of the Fatherland of Independent Turkmenistan"
28 September
Berdimuhamedov awarded members of the Security Council with the jubilee medal "Defender of the Fatherland of Independent Turkmenistan"

Today, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, as part of the events in honor of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence, took part in the ceremony of presenting state awards to members of the State Security Council, conferring regular military ranks and qualification classes. During the event, the leader of the nation was awarded the Türkmen edermen medal and the Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy anniversary medal.

In the matter of ensuring the comprehensive rapid development of the country, strengthening and protecting state sovereignty, strict observance of law and order, an important role is assigned to the military and law enforcement agencies. The holding of cultural events at a high organizational level on the occasion of the significant date of the national calendar - the 30th anniversary of independence, which is of particular state importance, is the result of effective coordinated activities of law enforcement agencies.

Addressing the members of the State Security Council, the leader of the nation noted that yesterday the glorious anniversary of the sacred independence of permanently neutral Turkmenistan was celebrated with great celebrations. On the square in front of the modern complex of the State Tribune, a parade of personnel of the country's military and law enforcement agencies took place. Also, our compatriots took part in it, demonstrating excellent success.

The leader of the nation congratulated the members of the State Security Council and the entire personnel of the military and law enforcement agencies who took part in the ceremonial review with the successful holding of the military parade, which demonstrated the high level of the defense capability of our Motherland, the provision of all branches of the armed forces with modern military equipment, including airplanes and helicopters.

Then, addressing the participants of the celebration, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence, as well as taking into account the holding of a solemn military parade at a high level, members of the State Security Council, as well as servicemen and employees of military and law enforcement agencies are awarded state awards.

Then the chairman of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh G. Mammedova, having read the Resolution of the Mejlis of Milli Gengesh on awarding President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the medal "Türkmen edermen" and the jubilee medal "Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy."

Further, the head of state awarded the members of the State Security Council with the anniversary medal "Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy" and awarded the next military and special ranks.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov handed the anniversary medal “Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy” and the memorial sign - the national manat “Altyý. The Deputy Prime Minister, Secretary of the State Security Council was also awarded the military rank of Colonel General.

The Deputy Head of Government, Secretary of the State Security Council, accepting the award with gratitude, took an oath of allegiance to the military oath, eternal devotion to the Motherland and willingness to selflessly stand guard over the peaceful and creative life of the people.

Then the Minister of Defense, Major General B. Gundogdyev was awarded a jubilee medal and a memorial sign - the national manat "Altyn şaý". By the decree of the President of Turkmenistan, the head of the defense department was awarded the military rank of lieutenant general.

The Minister of Defense gratefully accepted the award and swore an oath of allegiance to the military oath, selfless devotion to the Motherland, people, and the President of the country.

Then the jubilee medal “Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy” and the memorial sign - the national manat “Altyn şaý” were awarded to the Minister of Internal Affairs O. Khojanyyazov. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, accepting the award with gratitude, took an oath of loyalty, eternal devotion to his native Fatherland, the people and the President of Turkmenistan and readiness to selflessly stand guard over a peaceful and constructive life.

Then the Prosecutor General B. Atdaev was awarded the jubilee medal “Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy” and a memorable sign - the national manat “Altyn şaý”. The Prosecutor General, gratefully accepting the award, made an oath of allegiance, selfless devotion to the Fatherland, the people, and the President of the country.

In accordance with the Decree of the Head of Turkmenistan, the Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Ussanepesov was awarded the anniversary medal “Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy” and a memorial sign - the national manat “Altyn şaý”. The head of the department, accepting the award with gratitude, took an oath of allegiance, eternal devotion to the Motherland, assuring that he would continue to fulfill his sacred duty with honor.

Further, the Minister of National Security G. Annaev, gratefully accepting the commemorative medal “Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy” presented to him by the leader of the nation and the memorial sign - the national manat “Altyn şaý”, pronounced the military oath.

The head of the Security Service of the President of Turkmenistan D. Meredov, who was awarded the anniversary medal “Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy” and the memorial sign - the national manat “Altyn şaý”, accepting the award with gratitude, took the oath of loyalty, selfless devotion to the Fatherland, the people, the President of the country.

Minister Adalat, Senior Adviser of Justice B. Mukhamedov, by the decree of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, was awarded the jubilee medal "Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy" and the memorial sign - the national manat "Altyn şaý". The head of the Ministry was also awarded the qualification class of the State Counselor of Justice of the 3rd class.

Accepting the award with gratitude, the minister took the oath of allegiance to the military oath, eternal devotion to the Motherland and willingness to selflessly stand guard over the peaceful and constructive life of the people.

Further, the anniversary medal “Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy” and a memorial sign - the national manat “Altyn şaý” were awarded to the chairman of the State Migration Service, Lieutenant Colonel N. Atagarayev, and according to the decree of the head of state he was awarded the military rank of colonel. The Head of the Service gratefully accepted the award and made a sacred oath.

A. Khudaiberdiev (Security Service of the President of Turkmenistan), who was awarded the next military rank, took an oath of allegiance to the military oath, eternal devotion to the Motherland and willingness to selflessly stand guard over the peaceful and creative life of the people.

Then, on behalf of the entire personnel of the military and law enforcement agencies of the country, the head of state was presented with a memorable gift on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence.

Addressing his compatriots and members of the State Security Council, the President of Turkmenistan noted that the awarding of the medal of Turkmenistan "Türkmen edermen", the jubilee medal of Turkmenistan "Garaşsyz Türkmenistanyň Watan goragçysy" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of Turkmenistan is perceived by our people.

As the head of state said, we are implementing an "open door" policy based on the principles of permanent neutrality in the name of universal peace, tranquility and well-being of all mankind, and also maintain friendly relations with all interested countries. Our prosperous life, efforts made to strengthen peace, harmony, friendship and brotherhood in the global dimension are evidence of mutual respect between states, which is the result of our policy.

- The achieved high lines, great successes in strengthening the defensive power of our Fatherland oblige me to continue to work hard, not sparing strength and energy, in the name of a happy and prosperous life of our courageous people. In all my policy, I always rely on my native people, ”President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

At the end of the event, the President of Turkmenistan once again congratulated the leaders of the military and law enforcement agencies on state awards, regular military ranks and qualifications.

Noting the high organizational level of the anniversary events, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, wished all the participants in the celebration great success in responsible service for the prosperity of the Fatherland and the happiness of the people.
