Berdimuhamedov took part in celebrations in honor of the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory
09 May
Berdimuhamedov took part in celebrations in honor of the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in a flower-laying ceremony at the monuments of the Halk hakydasy (People's Memory) memorial complex.

It should be noted that throughout the country there were honoring of veterans who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, as well as home front workers, soldiers' widows. Every year, war veterans, as well as widows of fallen soldiers, are presented with monetary and valuable gifts on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

Together with other fraternal peoples, the courageous sons and daughters of our people bravely endured the hardships of the war. Among them is the grandfather of the head of state, Berdymukhamed Annayev, whose life path serves as an example of patriotism and loyalty to duty for our youth.

Thousands of our compatriots were awarded military orders and medals for courage and bravery displayed on the battlefields of one of the most brutal and merciless wars in the history of mankind, were awarded the high title of Hero. The names of the national heroes are immortalized in the memorial books Hatyra (Memory) and Şöhrat (Glory).

Today, young soldiers - the successors of the military traditions of the Turkmen people, the patriotic orders of our courageous ancestors - are frozen in the Honor Guard.

Magnificent wreaths from the President of Turkmenistan lie at the foot of the majestic monuments, which have become a sacred place of military glory and national memory.

Then flowers are laid by all the participants in the ceremony. Students, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of front-line heroes also came to bow their heads before the feat of the National Heroes.

At the end of the flower-laying ceremony, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all those present are sent to a special facility for holding a sadaqa - "agzachar".

Having passed to a specially designated place for him, the Turkmen leader addressed all those present. Greeting the participants of the sadak, the head of state noted that events are held annually in the Memorial Complex "People's Memory" that are our sacred duty.

Paying tribute to the past, we honor the memory of those who fell for the Motherland at the Milletiň ogullary monument, at the Baky şöhrat memorial for those who died in the Great Patriotic War, and at the Ruhy tagzym monument for the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake, ”the head of state said.

Today we honored the memory of the sons and daughters of the Motherland who fell in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as well as those who were dispossessed by the war, in a word, everyone who suffered in the name of freedom of the Motherland.

We paid tribute to the memory of our compatriots, whose lives were taken away by the natural disaster that hit Ashgabat in difficult times for our people in 1948, continued the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

As the President further emphasized, remembering the victims of these tragic events in the holy month of Oraz, we offer prayers for the repose of their souls in paradise.

Today, on the blessed days of the month of Oraza, we participate in sadaqa-agzachar. As our ancestors said: "He who honors the deceased will acquire nobility." Adhering to these sacred traditions, we continue their path, the Turkmen leader stated.

“May the Almighty accept the prayers we offer today in memory of the valiant sons and daughters of the Motherland and those who perished!” Said the President of Turkmenistan.

Then the head of state turned to the mufti of the country with a request to perform the "tyabarek" prayer service. Then meals were served to those present. At the end of the meal, a prayer was read for peace and tranquility in the Turkmen land, the unity of the people and the prosperity of the country.


Today in all cities and villages of the country on the occasion of a significant date - the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory - solemn ceremony of laying flowers and sadaqa was given.
