Online booking service will work on the border of Kazakhstan with Turkmenistan
17 February
Online booking service will work on the border of Kazakhstan with Turkmenistan

Kazakhstan is gradually introducing an electronic queue system at its borders in order to accelerate the crossing of the border by cargo transport, News Central Asia reports with reference to the press service of the State Revenue Committee of Kazakhstan.

As reported, by the end of February, the online booking service "CarGoRuqsat" will work at four more checkpoints.
These are border crossings:
• Checkpoints "Bakhty" (Abai region) and "Maykapchagai" (East Kazakhstan region) on the border with China.
• From February 22 – Temir-Baba checkpoint in Mangistau region on the border with Turkmenistan
• From February 27 – the Tazhen checkpoint in the Mangystau region on the border with Uzbekistan.

Until today, about 7.5 thousand users have been registered, who have performed 84 thousand queue booking operations.

The CarGoRuqsat service has been implemented in Kazakhstan since November 2022 and was launched on a digital platform , and is also free for users.
